Michelle celebrates beating breast cancer

And boudoir was her statement. Brave as it was to take on cancer, bold a move as it was to schedule a boudoir session, actually doing it was a different matter entirely.

“I was so nervous I forgot an important part of my wardrobe and considered canceling. I am glad I didn’t..”

Why’s that?

Well, first, she says, “I walked in the door and saw my name posted, like the whole studio was reserved for me.”

It was, of course. Boudoir sessions are all about you. There are plenty of days to share with other people and other demands. A boudoir day is just for you.

Michelle continues:  “Jill met me with a big smile and made my husband and I feel relaxed. The mimosas helped too.”

IMPORTANT NOTE: The reason the hubs was there was because he’s going to be in front of the camera with Michelle. Otherwise, we don’t allow spectators. Downside for him is that he has to sit through her pampering, a complete makeover with lashes and hair styling. That’s typically about an hour-and-a-half process, which flies by if you’re the pamper-ee. We’re sure it feels like an eternity for the partner not getting a makeover 🙂

So what was that like for Michelle?

“I felt like a Queen, My hair and makeup looked amazing. I looked like a better version of myself,” she said.

Back to that bravery bit

“I was very skeptical if I was going to be comfortable wearing almost nothing, but Jill and David boosted my confidence to the point that at the end of the session I was topless and did not care.”

That’s right. We did lots of minimal for her session, but still covered. Until, when we were wrapping up, we asked Michelle if there were any photos we’d missed. That’s when she asked for something to celebrate her victory over breast cancer. We did a topless pose softened with a pink banner. It was the perfect way to end a wonderfully powerful session!


As always, time flies. When we said good-bye to Michelle, she recalls, “I was still in star-struck mode, I felt good, I looked amazing and was not ready to go home. My husband and I went out to eat so i could show off my confidence.”

Reveal time!

When we brought this powerful couple back for their reveal, Michelle was speechless.

“I did not recognize myself in the pictures, I was shocked looking at them thinking I really did this. Here is proof and i looked amazing.”

Michelle’s advice to that woman on the fence

“I would tell her not to second-guess her worth on making a decision to do a boudoir session.”

“If it’s physical or mental reasons, it will be worth it. She will see herself in a new way that will give her confidence. If it’s money, they have options. No amount of money will give you the boost that doing a boudoir session will.”