
You know where we are (Marietta Square sign)

Book a life changing boudoir session!

You found One Soul Boudoir!

Here’s what we do (at our new location)!

Hi! We’re Jill Marie and David Scruggs. We’re photographers of boudoir, an uplifting and empowering outlet for women just like you.

Until June 2023 we were located up the stairs behind the white doors beside the sign where you scanned our QR code. We’ve now moved from that little 800 square foot space to a much more spacious location in Kennesaw! You absolutely MUST check us out! The new address is 875 Gettysburg Trail NE, Kennesaw, GA 30144. 

Meanwhile, we’ve been shooting boudoir since 2017 and love the impact we have on our clients’ lives. Our website and blog are full of their inspiring stories, why they chose to do a boudoir session with us, what it was like for them, and how they feel about themselves now. For many, the experience has been a life-changer. Literally.

But enough about us. What about you?

Would you like to feel more self-confident? Want to understand what it is about you that a loved one finds appealing?

Schedule a free consultation and personal studio tour. We’d love to show you around and answer all your questions! 

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One Soul Boudoir
Donna meets her warrior

Donna’s Story

“I knew that I wanted to do something for my 53rd that celebrated me,” says Donna, a One Soul Boudoir client who was determined to find her inner warrior. “I had thought when I turned 50 my family and friends would be there to celebrate a milestone in my world, but instead I spent it alone at the lake eating cupcakes. I was/am so tired of being dismissed.”

“I wanted to do something that was not only outside of my comfort zone,” Donna recalled, “but something that would help me tap into my inner goddess. I wanted to meet that strong, beautiful female warrior that would never be dismissed and would never continue to settle for mediocrity.”

Now, she says, “I am slowly embracing that in my own way I AM beautiful. I keep looking back at my photos, and I draw from the strength and the beauty that I see in her. I then square my shoulders, hold my head high and and I tell myself c’mon you got this.”

Personal freedom

Annalise’s Story

Annalise has a lot going for herself. But she’ll tell you she’s also been conditioned to let others dictate how she should live her life: how she should advance her career, use her money, and behave as a woman: “I’ve wanted to do a shoot like this for a while but could never justify spending the money to do it. Plus my family would be against it, which strongly influenced my decision” in the past not to go through with a shoot.

Then Jill “asked me when was the last time I did anything for myself. And I realized I hadn’t really done much ever (other than a few shopping trips to Zara!),” Annalise recollected. So she booked her session, and that became a watershed event: “I bought myself my dream car, got the dog I’ve wanted for years and quit the job I absolutely hated for another great company! 2020 has seriously sucked, but I found joy and validation through my own actions.”

Brette gets an attitude change

Brette’s Story

Brette was coaxed into a session by a girlfriend’s boudoir photos that we’d taken. Unlike some clients, Brette was all-in from the minute she booked her consultation, and she’s still on air to this day. We asked her for some parting words for other ladies.

“Boo get off the fence and dive into the pool!” she said. “This will change your life. It will make you love yourself. You will never go back to an old way of thinking when you realize there’s no reason for it. Don’t sacrifice your value and worth as a person for anyone else – let a boudoir session show you how to just be YOU.”

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