Nervousness falls away on her boudoir day!

Donna meets her warrior

Cupcakes: the last straw for this warrior

“I knew that I wanted to do something for my 53rd that celebrated me,” says Donna, a One Soul Boudoir client we absolutely love for her determination to find and channel her fierce inner warrior.

“I had thought when I turned 50 my family and friends would be there to celebrate a milestone in my world, but instead I spent it alone at the lake eating cupcakes,” she said, not wistfully. “I was/am so tired of being dismissed, so I decided that for my 53rd b’day I would do something that was totally out of character for me.”

And she did.

Donna meets her warrior

“I wanted to do something that was not only outside of my comfort zone,” Donna recalled, “but something that would help me tap into my inner goddess. I wanted to meet that strong, beautiful female warrior that would never be dismissed and would never continue to settle for mediocrity.”

With delayed gratification, the second-guessing is a challenge

Donna booked her session months out because of our availability and hers. And while that gave her time to find wardrobe and do the preps she wanted to build confidence, the extra time also gave her insecurities room to roam.

“In the months preparing for the big day, I was nervous. I didn’t know what to expect. I don’t have a habit of running around in my underwear in front of people — much less strangers. I was like, ‘What in the heck were you thinking, signing up for this??'” she said. But “I knew I was ready.”

“However, I wasn’t sure how my pictures would turn out. Not because of Jill and David, but because I take terrible pictures. I remember praying, ‘Lord please let this turn out. Please don’t let all this be a waste.'”

Of course, it was far from a waste for Donna 🙂

Donna meets her warrior.

The center of attention — finally!

Jill and David did not disappoint,” she said. “They had everything ready for my arrival and I was greeted with warm smiles. It felt good to be the center of attention and have someone doing something for me.”

“I was surprised at how at ease I was. This was way out of my comfort zone, yet on the day of the shoot, it felt natural, and I was like “let’s do this!!” Donna said.

She recalled that even the wardrobe changes themselves were fun.

“I was amazed as I noticed the different energy of each outfit and how different each one made me feel,” she said.

“I was blown away at how at ease and peaceful I was with the whole process,” Donna recalled. “Jill and David are the consummate professionals. They walk you each step of the way and are very respectful of you. I had more fun than I thought I would!”

“Throughout the whole day, I felt beautiful, special. I had so much fun laughing with Jill and David, it was a little sad that it was over,” Donna said. “With that said, I felt amazing and kept replaying the day in my head. I couldn’t wait to get back for my reveal!!”

It’s reveal time!

And about her reveal. Like all our ladies, she simply wasn’t prepared for the photos that we showed her.

“The pictures…what can you say, but WOW!!” Donna said. “I can honestly say that I have never been happier with any photos taken of me ever!! I am horrible with pictures. I am a blinker, and I always look drunk or half asleep. Not in these pictures!!”

“I’m like who is she and where has she been hiding?? I was like, ‘Girl, why are you still single?'”

Seriously, though, Donna said, “I am slowly embracing that in my own way I AM beautiful. I keep looking back at my photos, and I draw from the strength and the beauty that I see in her. I then square my shoulders, hold my head high and and I tell myself c’mon you got this.”

Naturally, we asked Donna what she might say to a woman who’s on the fence about doing a boudoir session.

Donna dove in with advice: “Girl, just do it. Drop the excuses.”

“I had them all, but I did it anyway, and I’m so grateful that I did,” she said. “Money comes and goes. It’s a cycle. Do this for YOU! Invest in YOU!! You are worth it! You will be glad that you did. Not only will you have fun, but you will have an experience to look back on and know that you took the time to honor your inner Goddess.”

Thank you, Donna.