Even better the second time around

Coasting on the glow from her first boudoir experience with us, fate led Jody back for another round with a high bar: to make it even better the second time around. She threw caution to the wind, relinquished control, and let her energy flow.

“I let fate decide if I should do this session. I saw an amazing deal and thought to myself, if it’s still available later tonight I’m doing it,” she said. “Obviously, it was meant to be.”

With only days to consider the shoot, Jody decided she would honor fate and flow with the energy of the moment. She did not stress or give much thought to her second time in front of the camera. It was a lovely adventure and Jody was excited for the journey.

Sometimes things are even better the second time around.

Stepping into the spotlight again

Jody spends most of her time in the background taking care of other people. She plans and frets over details, feeling overlooked and undervalued yet strangely comfortable. An ever-flowing stream cascading from her own cup, she keeps pouring.

Stepping outside of her carefully curated role, she wanted to stop the flow and fill her cup to the rim. Boudoir was Jody’s way of pouring into herself. For once, or twice, “ I chose to be the focus and step into the spotlight. It was terrifying and exhilarating,” she said, but added, “It’s all about me!”

Even better than the first time

From country girl to even better bombshell

Walking up the stairs to the studio, her fear was quelled by a soothing, welcoming warmth because “I was exactly where I was supposed to be. This country girl was about to be transformed into a bombshell.”

Being in front of a camera is not easy for everyone, and Jody was no stranger to being camera-shy. However, Jody knew what to expect. After all, it was her second time doing boudoir. She knew that she would not be disappointed, which allowed her to relax and continue to flow. 

Even better than the first time

Everything was just for me

“Edgy elegance” was the persona Jody wanted to portray. With amazing hair, flawless makeup, and meticulously selected lingerie, she was ready to have some fun. The only thing Jody cared about was wearing the shoes. “Oh the shoes,” she recalls excitedly. The red bottoms were paired with wardrobe to match Jody’s energy. “Everything was prepared just for me.”

Even better than the first time

An even better moxie

Jody the planner let herself be a sexy warrior queen for a day, no longer lingering behind the scenes and worrying about others.

“It was easier than I thought to let my real self show. I’m so proud of myself for just letting the whole day just flow without trying to make it into what I thought it should be.” 

She felt proud because she had finally given herself permission to be the woman she had been quietly working to become for so many years.

She knew there was no going back. Boudoir invigorated Jody and she cherished this new moxie. “Now that I have a taste, I don’t plan to stop!”

Even better than the first time

Recognizing her own beauty

Let’s set the scene. An emerald room, a beautiful leopard print couch, and a large display of the elegant, sexy, edgy woman of the hour.

“On that screen, I saw a woman of quiet power and subtle beauty. I saw a sexy person looking back at me and inviting me to once again be her.” 

Jody sat, undistracted and stared at the beautiful art on the screen. She was suddenly overcome with the thought, “I am beautiful art.”

Looking at her photos, she recognized and owned her beauty. For the second time, she was blown away.

Jody’s advice

“Just do it! Let yourself fall off that fence of indecision, the landing is spectacular! There will be nerves but no regrets. You will discover something new in yourself and you will become the beacon of light you had been before life happened.”

Even better than the first time