Stefanie's boudoir experience was an impossible dream come true.

“I don’t have time.”

“I have time but I want to lose a few pounds first.”

“I’m not ready.”

These were all of the excuses Stefanie made before her first boudoir experience. She had been making them for years! A good friend recognized Stefanie’s struggle and took away her ability to make any more excuses – she scheduled Stefanie’s consultation and the rest is herstory. 

“I’m finally doing it!” she exclaimed. Stefanie was finally giving herself the gift of boudoir.

Stefanie, like many that come to enjoy the experience, always wanted to do boudoir. She was starting to believe her own excuses and had almost come to terms with the seemingly impossible idea. Fact is, though, life was happening all the while, and thinking about boudoir while balancing all life’s moving pieces was just too overwhelming. 

It was an impossible dream come true.

Stefanie's boudoir experience was an impossible dream come true.

Pampered into relaxation

Stefanie was so nervous beforehand. She studied the website and read all the tips and instructions to prepare. She worried about her wardrobe, being late, and finding parking, but Stefanie arrived on time.

“I was still very nervous, but that didn’t last long. Jill made me feel so comfortable. I changed into a glamorous robe and slippers. We talked and laughed through hair and makeup. I listened to soothing music, enjoyed a relaxing beverage, and snacks.”

Stefanie was pampered into relaxation and the experience was over before she knew it.

Stefanie's boudoir experience was an impossible dream come true.

Embracing elegance

Stefanie sizzled in front of the camera!

She not only had a great time, she described the experience as “the most enjoyable, confidence building experience of my life.” Stefanie left the cares of her day-to-day and allowed herself to feel like a supermodel. She embraced her sexy elegance and relished every moment of her session.

Stefanie was so proud of herself on the way home. Finally doing something special for herself made her smile. All she wanted now was to see the finished portraits.

Dreams do come true

Drumroll…time for the big reveal! 

“I had seen other people’s boudoir photos and somehow still expected mine to look like posed wedding or school photos.”

Boy was she wrong!

Stefanie walked into the studio and was greeted by images of a woman she barely knew – a woman that stays hidden most of the time. She was overcome by her own beauty.

“I looked so animated, elegant, and happy.”

To all the ladies still on the fence about boudoir, Stefanie says, “There is no better time than now. Don’t wait for a better time, don’t wait to lose weight. Do it now!”

Stefanie's boudoir experience was an impossible dream come true.