This “awkward” girl set out to love herself

It’s hard saying what got Cordelia through the door and into our studio for her self love journey, if not sheer determination.

“I was a little nervous, I’m an extremely awkward person and I didn’t want to mess anything up,” she said. “I have major body issues. I’ve been trying to lose weight and learning to love myself so I can begin to love others.”

Cordelia believed a boudoir session would be a positive step — or better put, a big leap — that hopefully would change the way she perceived herself. And so in spite of her nerves, she trusted the process at One Soul Boudoir and gave into the experience. For her, something as simple as a makeover was meaningful.

“I can’t remember the last time I’d had someone do my hair and make-up. I felt really special,” Cordelia said. “I felt beautiful for the first time in a long time. (Throughout) the whole experience, I felt confident and beautiful.”

Now, she says, “I really want to learn how to curl my hair.”

Oopsie! Nerves again — for a moment 🙂

With her makeover completed, however, the nerves crept back in at the thought of failing at posing with grace and self-confidence. Of course, we never let anyone fail at our studio, and Cordelia quickly found her self-confidence growing.

“I felt way more beautiful than I thought I was going to, and it was much more natural than I thought it would feel,” she said.

self love journey

As with most, the shoot was over before she was ready for it to end. She left on top of the world. A few days later, we dropped a sneak-peek into our ladies-only Facebook group, One Soul Women, for Cordelia to find.

“The first time I saw myself in the sneak peek, I didn’t realize it was me,” Cordelia said. “Once I realized it was me and how beautiful I was, I was nervous about the reveal. I was afraid that only one or two pictures would look like that and the rest would be trash.”

Which, of course, never happens.

“Once I saw the rest of the pictures I got excited again!” she said.

self love journey

No longer awkward, Cordelia advises now

Mulling over the advice she would give others, Cordelia offered this:

“I know everyone will tell you to just do it, but I think you should take a moment to think. Where are you in your life right now? Where do you want to be? If you’re on the fence, you might be nervous how you’ll look, but you won’t know if you don’t go.

“If you’re in a place where you’re struggling, you’re hurt, but you’re trying to get better, a boudoir session is a good place to heal and see yourself in a different light. Jill and David create a safe place for women who are hesitant and healing to feel good about themselves.”

self love journey

Her self love journey

Cordelia went even further, sharing some strategies she used go prepare herself for the plunge she desperately wanted to take: “If you really want to take the next step in self love, book a session. Maybe not for the same month, or not even the next month. Do it far enough out so you can get excited about it. Find a couple of outfits that make you comfortable. It might be something skimpy, or it might be a sweater. Go on their website and get inspired.”

Then “do something for yourself. Maybe a spa day the week before. Maybe getting your hair done,” she advised. “This may be the first time you treat yourself, this may be the first time you feel any kind of beautiful, but self love is necessary. If you’re on the fence, but you get even the smallest amount of excitement thinking about doing it, do it.”

self love journey
self love journey
self love journey
self love journey