Empowering as hell — Alex remembers her sexy boudoir session

Alexandra calls her sexy boudoir session “empowering as hell.”

“Honestly, I thought I couldn’t do boudoir because I thought you had to lose weight or have a perfect body to do it. I thought you had to be in model shape,” she said. “My experience with One Soul Boudoir proved me so so wrong about that. It totally is for anyone and everyone, and it is empowering as hell.”

empowering sexy boudoir experience

Alexandra was our first client to try a new twist in our boudoir experience. We’d come up with the idea of enhancing a boudoir session with something special, a theme. Our first such theme — and the one Alex experienced — we dubbed The Boudoir Spa.

Boudoir Spa

For Boudoir Spa, a super-luxe experience, we include champagne, a hand and foot massage, manicure, pedicure, makeover, and up to four hours of feeling sexy and playful in front of the camera.

While we’d prepped her for the boudoir bit of her session, we didn’t share much about the spa part. It floored her.

“I felt so pampered when I was getting my nails done, and the massage almost put me to sleep!” she recalled. “That for me was so rare to be so at ease and relaxed that I was near sleeping. I don’t know if it’s because I live a high-stress life or if it’s because I’m a mom, but I don’t often get to relax. So I remember that moment of complete bliss being something I loved and needed.”

For the photographic part of her day, “Jill made me feel really excited about it — as well as prepared. I knew what to bring and how to look for my shoot.”

But there’s a difference between prepared and confident 🙂

Empowering mimosas: liquid confidence

One thing we learned a long time ago with our boudoir business: we need our clients to relax. We need them laughing and enjoying themselves. We need them to forget their concerns and self-doubt. The quickest way to get our clients into the right state of mind is with a little nip of something with a slight bite.

We’ve tried martinis. Too strong. Things go downhill fast. We’ve tried beer. But that just bloats you. We’ve tried wine, and wine works great. But nothing beats a mimosa. Mimosas just taste like a girls’ day out at the mall, right?

“When I showed up I felt very nervous,” Alexandra said, “but she gave me snacks and a mimosa. The two things that calm me down the most are food and alcohol lol.”

Alex was on edge about her session, but she was also ready: “I thought, ‘Why not me?'”

She wanted sexiness from her shoot, “like the goddess-of-a-woman that I used to be. But with my postpartum body, I didn’t know what that would feel like.”

So how did it feel? Empowering as hell!

Her session reminded her “what it felt like to feel sexy again even though my stomach has stretch marks and my hips are bigger, and I’m a different version of myself now.”

Every new pose increased her confidence, she said. And confidence is what makes the world go round.

“I imagined boudoir being sexy and maybe being hard to look a certain way, as I’m not a model.” she recalled, adding she expected it to be fun, however, because she’s a creative artist who’s worked with photographers on projects.

It’s a blast dreaming up artistic collaborations with others. We know this is true. So we can relate to Alex when she says creativity is fun! But the flip side — being the subject of creativity — is the bit that she struggled with.

“I had never been in front of the camera,” she said. Consequently, the shoot made her “both excited and nervous — but in the best way!”

Because she’s a go-getter in her daily life, Alexandra followed our instructions. She created stunningly genuine images and beautiful poses. And her pictures tell the rest of the story.


We hope to see Alexandra back again one day! She and her fiancé are now husband and wife, and she’s undoubtedly going to need an anniversary present to give to him soon!

We wrote a blog about couple’s boudoir, in fact. If the idea of posing with your significant other appeals to you, then you should read that fun post and check out the photos!

empowering boudoir session