It starts with curiosity and a need

The motivations that lead our clients to us are as varied as our clients themselves. The common threads, though, are curiosity and a need. Curiosity about what it must feel like to be desireable, insanely self-confident, and beautiful. A need to feel those things: desireable, self-confident, beautiful.

So how to get from where you are to where you’re gushing over photos of yourself from your boudoir session? Here are our 10 steps.

Step 1: you’re interested

Maybe you discovered Atlanta boudoir photographers Jill Marie and David Scruggs at One Soul through a friend, a Facebook ad, or a Google ad or search. Awesome! We’re glad you’re here!

We post a lot of info in the form of video testimonials and client stories, and we keep our website and Facebook page current. But nothing replaces a one-on-one conversation. Or, as we term it, an in-person consultation. So let’s do something about that curiosity you have about boudoir.

Step 2: get in touch

Schedule an in-person consultation with our team! Our client-facing team members are Jill, David, and Client Relations Manager Kelsey Belair. There are buttons to do that at the bottom of this post and on my website home page. We have more contact options in the Contact section of our home page, as well. Aaaand you can message us via Facebook messenger or the little chat thingy on our website.

Finally, you can also join our ladies-only group and ping from there.

Step 3: if we talk via phone

If we have a phone chat before we actually meet, we’ll ask you to tell us about your motivations for wanting a boudoir session and what you’d like to gain from it.

Maybe you’re wanting to reconnect with that “you” from a sexier time in your life. Or perhaps you’re rebuilding your psyche and self-confidence after a breakup, illness or difficult surgery. Or, like so many of us, maybe you’ve just never felt very sexy, and you feel like that’s missing from your life.

Then we’ll give you the opportunity to schedule an actual in-person consultation, where you’ll get a tantalizing flyover of the immersive, luxury boudoir experience that we’ve created for you.

Step 4: about that in-person consultation

It’s so valuable to get together before decide about your shoot. You see, it’s hard to wrap your head around our boudoir experience until you meet us, tour our sets, see our wardrobe, and check out physical examples of our work.

The consultation exposes you to our display art options and go over the business details that go along with our sessions. All this will answer so many questions for you, of course. But more importantly, it’ll help you think of lots more to ask about the experience.

My goal during our consultation is prepare you for everything — except for the moment when you see your finally stunning photos. For that, we’ve learned there’s no amount of preparation to keep our ladies from being absolutely floored 🙂

Assuming you’re ready to move forward, it’s on to Step 5!

Step 5: a few emails

If you didn’t book at your consultation, we’ll follow up with an emailed link for you to pick your session date. When you book, you’ll also receive an electronic agreement to sign, plus another few emails giving you more guidance for a great experience.

Step 6: time to shop!

If you’ve decided to spruce up your lingerie drawer with some sexy new things, bounce your ideas off of us first! That’s so you’re sure your ideas will translate well in photos. You’ll also want to ask us about discounts we might have through local boutique partners like Anna Bella Fine Lingerie and LivieRae.

And saving money on lingerie is definitely a smile-maker 🙂

Step 7a: session day preps!

On your big day with us, as you head to the One Soul studio, remember to wear loose clothes and skip those unmentionables that leave elastic marks on your skin.

Once here, you’ll first be lavished with champagne and a professional makeover by our beauty team. Then we’ll head to the first set for your shoot!

10 steps to a happier smile

Step 7b: session day shoot!

Typically, both of us (David and Jill) will be your photographers. Our high-energy approach is to tag-team on wardrobe, posing, lighting, and shooting. We’ll start with looks you’re most comfortable in and poses that help you acclimate to our directions. As you relax, you’ll think less and less about posing and more and more about how much fun you’re having. And, of course, you’ll always have the final say in wardrobe and poses!

Before you know it, you’ll have forgotten all your uncertainties and insecurities in the midst of feeling so special and beautiful! And then your session will be over!

Step 8: delayed gratification

You’ll have to wait a couple of weeks to see your photos while we prepare for your Reveal Party. We’ll keep you entertained and titillated in the meantime with periodic emails about what to expect. When we’re about ready, we’ll send you an invitation to choose your Reveal Party date and time.

Step 9: Reveal Party!

FINALLY the day has arrived! And you’ll arrive undoubtedly nervous and excited about the photos you’ll soon be seeing for the first time. Almost everyone feels that way, so just know you aren’t alone! And everyone is always relieved — and more often ecstatic — about the photos that flash across the big screen in our Reveal Room.

When we’ve gone through all the photos and we’ve tagged the ones that you call favorites, we’ll talk about your home decor and we’ll choose display art options that fit both your home and your budget. Our clients who are planners and fans of home decor will bring cell photos of their living spaces to help with the decision-making.

Once you’ve made and paid for your artwork decisions, we’ll start working on your order!

Step 10: your art has arrived!

We’ll contact you the minute we receive your beautiful art. Then you’ll schedule a time to come back for the unveiling — and the oohs and ahhhs. You’ll leave not only with stunning photos, but with the satisfaction that you did it and did it well.

Once you’ve received your collection, you’ll have access for a year to the photos you didn’t purchase, thanks to our partners at Shootproof!

That way, when you’re ready to add to your boudoir memories, you can purchase the photos you can’t live without after all! By the way, your gallery won’t be accessible — or even visible — to anyone unless you want to make it so.

There! Hopefully these 10 steps to a happier smile have you one step closer to contacting us!